Friday, 26 June 2009
Back From The Dentist
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Is There A Dentist In The House?
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Tuesday's Fly On The Wall

Monday, 22 June 2009
The Bedtime Trials Zzzz
- Night One Both girls are still awake at 8.30pm, I start the bedtime routine then, and they go to bed without a fuss. The little extra waking time looks like it's knackered them out! And in the morning? I hear nothing from them til gone 8am.
- Night Two Baby E.M stays up til 8pm then asks for bedtime, goes to bed ok. Then J.R follows me up at 9pm. And in the morning? No complaints, i'm out of bed before then! But no sound of them awake until around 8.20am.
- Night Three Bedtime routine started at 8.30pm (both girls were starting to get silly by this time) in bed by 8.45pm. And in the morning? Heard nothing from them until about 8.15am.
Now considering that my girls are used to a 7pm bedtime, these changes have made quite an impact. We're used to waking up to one of them screaming because they're bored and want out. So being able to wake up naturally is great! I'm gonna carry on the trial bedtime for the rest of this week because if it carries on going the way it is, we're onto a winner!
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Looks like it's just one of THOSE days...
- Not impressed with the permanent marks left on the dining room table by the 'washable' colouring pens.
- Or the broccoli that J.R has trodden into the carpet.
- Or the fact that Baby E.M has just bitten a chunk out of my Nivea Lipcare stick.
Friday, 19 June 2009
Baby's Tired???
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Spring Has Sprung!
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
The Terrible Two's + The Threatening Three's...
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Tuesday's Fly On The Wall
Caught Red Handed
Monday, 15 June 2009
'Moo' Than Just Nature!

Sunday, 14 June 2009
So to help everyone catch up...
So as you can see, we've been a bit...busy! But i'm happy to say we're all fully recovered now.
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Back At The Desk
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Top 3 Tips For...
- Listen Ask your children how they feel about their time at school and other events of the day. And really listen to what they say to you. It's often a good idea to refrain from making negative comments or correcting their language at this point, since it quite often puts them off sharing their true feelings about something. On the other hand, asking a simple and sincere question like "Yeah...and then what happened?" can be very encouraging.
- Spend time WITH your children SAH Mums usually feel they’re with the kids all the time anyway. (I know this feeling.) But when you look closely at how you spend the day, you can see the difference in the time spent 'with' the kids and time spent 'around' them. We know every child wants attention from their parents, but it's not always possible during the day. So try and make some time exclusively for them at some other point, no matter how short. It could be anything from cuddling up, reading a book together at bedtime, to helping Mummy out in the kitchen.
- Spend time WITHOUT your children Get someone to look after the kids so you can have a night out, either with friends or your partner. This is always a difficult one for us. Unless our parents or other close family members are able to, we have no-one we’re comfortable with to babysit the kids. In our case, ‘time together without the kids’ is when they’re both asleep at night. That’s when we chat, catch up, eat dinner and watch a DVD together.
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Yummy Organic Milkshake
Light yet surprisingly filling!
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
First Reward Chart
- Use potty
- Finish breakfast
- Use potty
- Finish lunch
- Use potty
- Finish dinner
- Brush teeth/wash hands
And so far it's going quite well, in week 1 she managed 25 'stickers' out of a possible 35.
And that includes two extra rewards, one for learning her full name and one for attempting to get dressed herself!
I'm giving stickers not only for completing the set tasks but also when I catch good behaviour, because sometimes when a childs behaviour has been less than ideal, any good behaviour then goes unnoticed.
Monday, 1 June 2009
Top 3 Tips For...
Dealing with a pestering toddler
- Ignore them It's been called 'harsh' but you can't deny it works. Calmly give a quick explanation to your toddler as to why you're saying no, then pay no more attention to them. Don't talk or even look at them until they change the subject.
- Once you've said "no" don't change your mind If you give in, your toddler will learn that being persistent will get them what they want and they'll try it again.
- Pestering in public If your toddler pesters you or throws a tantrum in public you'll know how stressful it is. (If not, you have that to look forward to.) But don't give in just because people are watching, use the technique you use at home. And though some bystanders may tut, remember most will watch with sympathy as they will have been through it too. Just remember to stay calm, do what you've got to do and forget the audience.