Here's the lowdown on what's been going on at 64 over the last week:
Friday 5th J.R sick for a week now. Went to doctors - no sign of infection or anything. But she's throwing up every 30 minutes, whether she eats/drinks or not.
Saturday 6th My life has been put on hold indefinitely as I mop up after a vomiting toddler all day every day, even after she's gone to sleep. It looks like it's getting worse.
Sunday 7th Just after 10pm Baby E.M throws up in her cot.
She has the virus too.
We take both girls to the hospital.
Monday 8th 1am Both girls treated for dehydration while I spend the rest of the stay with my head in a bowl in the next cubicle. It only took two hours for me to catch the virus also.
6.45am Home at last, the four of us go straight to bed. By lunchtime Daddy is also sick.
So as you can see, we've been a bit...busy! But i'm happy to say we're all fully recovered now.
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