Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Is There A Dentist In The House?

This morning I was brushing my teeth, as you do, when I got the worst pain in one of my teeth. The third molar, or "one of those big chunky ones at the back" as we normal people call them. And it hurts, badly. As if i'd brushed away all the crud that was holding it together - nice thought eh?
Although it may not be that far from the truth, i'm taking painkillers regularly throughout the day for it cos it is so painful, but only on one side. The other side of that same tooth is perfectly fine. A second opinion - my Dad's - is that i've cracked it in two. Nice.
But that would explain a few things, like why it only hurts on one side and why it appears to have 'sunk' lower than the rest of my teeth and I keep chewing on it when I talk (which yes, hurts like hell)... Anyhoo.
That brings me onto my next subject:
When's the right time to bring your child for their first ever dental check up?
All you need to register your child with a dentist is their NHS number. It can usually be found in the details on the front page of their Red Book.
I've decided that now is the time for my J.R to go to the dentist. It is, after all inevitable plus she is 3yo and has all of her primary nashers. I have to admit I am a lil bit anxious that it might take both me and Daddy to keep her in that chair, just so the dentist can see into her mouth - let alone poke her teeth with some strange metal stick with a mirror on the end...
But hey, guess i'll worry about that when we get there.