Monday, 1 June 2009

Top 3 Tips For...

Dealing with a pestering toddler

  • Ignore them It's been called 'harsh' but you can't deny it works. Calmly give a quick explanation to your toddler as to why you're saying no, then pay no more attention to them. Don't talk or even look at them until they change the subject.

  • Once you've said "no" don't change your mind If you give in, your toddler will learn that being persistent will get them what they want and they'll try it again.

  • Pestering in public If your toddler pesters you or throws a tantrum in public you'll know how stressful it is. (If not, you have that to look forward to.) But don't give in just because people are watching, use the technique you use at home. And though some bystanders may tut, remember most will watch with sympathy as they will have been through it too. Just remember to stay calm, do what you've got to do and forget the audience.