Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Tuesday's Fly On The Wall
Monday, 30 March 2009
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
"The Childcare Website" Rant
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Tuesday's Fly On The Wall
A Look At The Girls' Behaviour

They're just trying to see how far they can push you, don't let it wind you up.
J.R misses Daddy being around all the time like when she was a baby and doesn't know how to express it.
And my personal favourite: You need to give them more attention.
Having read so many times, and now of course, from personal experience, i've learnt that no matter how much attention you give the girls, it will never be enough for them. So i'm happy that this is not the reason they behave in this way.
Of course the reasons may vary, but the behaviour remains the same.
They slap eachother, one screeches at the top of her voice which causes the other one to do the same, J.R snatches what Baby E.M is playing with (this I know is a superiority thing.) and J.R is very demanding and will demand one thing after another, while you're still trying to fulfil the first request. And above all, "No" from me means nothing. Absolutely nothing. Even to Baby E.M now. And I do have to repeat myself 3 or 4 times to get some sort of acknowledgment. They remove all the dvd's from the rack, draw on the walls and J.R has now started to break pieces of wood from the skirting board.
Daddy has seen all this occasionally in the past and at weekends etc but now I think it's finally sunk in. I'm not in tears over something minor. It really does get bad.
Monday, 23 March 2009
J.R's Birthday - Part 2.
Brighton: Sea, Stones & Gale Force Winds.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Friday, 20 March 2009
Issue Of The Week: Concentration & Activities
I'm happy. Daddy's treated me to a Chinese takeaway for dinner. (Obviously with the catch that I do him a nice home-cooked dinner tomorrow night, but ain't that always the way!) Who would've thought that all this would cost just over £21!
- Large Chicken Chow Mein
- Sweet & Sour Pork Balls
- Barbecue Ribs (dry)
- Egg Fried Rice
- Chicken & Vegetables
- Side order of Mushrooms in garlic
- Prawn Crackers
Looks like there'll be leftovers for lunch tomorrow too! O_O
Thursday, 19 March 2009
J.R's Birthday - Part 1.
Tea and treats
And changed into our comfy pyjamas for a slice of birthday cake...
It was a good day and J.R certainly enjoyed being the centre of attention!
(J.R's Birthday - Part 2. Coming 23rd March)
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
The Sun Has Got His Hat On!
Monday, 16 March 2009
Dee Ess!
Sunday, 15 March 2009
"Bake Day" Sunday
Every time I have ingredients measured out beforehand it all goes a whole lot smoother. Then you only have to worry about keeping the mixture in the bowl!
Well except for today when J.R decided to make a fuss of the eggs before attempting to crack them open (even though I told her Mummy had to do it) which left a nice egg yolky mess all over the chair and kitchen floor.
Have you ever tried picking the entire contents of an egg off the floor with only kitchen roll? Hmm...
5 Reasons Why
- You have a choice of the most imaginative names.
- When they grow out of 'baby' clothes, you can dress them in the most up-to-date fashionable outfits. Not just t-shirts and trousers all the time.
- Potty training girls is, well, simpler shall we say?
- Girls are more eager to learn to do the things that they see Mummy doing, and see it as 'their job too'. Which lets face it, is better than seeing a 3yo boy pushing a little pink buggy around!
- While they're young you can experiment with any 'do' you like on their hair and people will always say they look cute ;)
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Mizz-e-ble Baby
J.R's Football Vocabulary


Michael C-A-N (Michael Essien)

Oh dear, we can blame Daddy for that one!
Friday, 13 March 2009
A Very Choccy Easter
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Baby Plant Update
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
I've been so busy (nothing new there then) and excited about J.R's birthday, planning the cake, planning the day-trip! Barely found the time to post anything on here 'cos I was out most of the day!

Clear blue sky, green green grass, oversized nature.
I was thinking, not being the artist I wish I was (lol) of using the basic elements:
And instead adding, butterflies, rainbows, and happy things linking in with the colour schemes i've seen on some children's furniture pieces with the same theme. Hmm...
Well so far i've bought the colour for the beautiful clear blue sky. And the green in the picture is the colour the room is at the moment, so I have another tub of that in the shed somewhere.
But what next?
Stelios + PIZZA?

Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Tuesday's Fly On The Wall
Monday, 9 March 2009
J.R's Emotional Outbursts...
Friday, 6 March 2009
Red Nose Day @ Pre-School
The theme was Silly or Fancy dress, so J.R went as Upsy Daisy :)
Here she is waiting for Daddy outside the newsagents.
She got soooo many compliments from strangers on the way home!
The girls will be in the care of Daddy for those 2 days... I hope nothing's broken when I get back.
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Learning About God
The Story Of Baby Plant
And watch them grow!
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
It's My Little Girls' Birthday Very Soon!
I can't believe how grown up she is now. You tend to forget about upcoming birthdays because of numerous stressful days and before you know it you're only days away from having spent another year with your beautiful little girl. I love to see her developing her skills, learning and enjoying herself. She's becoming a proper little madam.
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Besides, she'll be all better once she gets a Nutella sandwich and a banana down her :)
Congratulations! It's A... Bag

This may be from a time when I thought I would make New Baby cards, with beautiful little handmade pieces and sell them on a certain internet auction site. Turns out I had a little talent there...until I took a look at the ones already on the site.
They were so simple, printed mostly, and stupidly expensive.
The type of card that you pick up in Clintons, read the code, find the price and mouth "Oh my god!" as you flip the card over and return it neatly to it's display.
So lets just say that little business never got off the ground...
Monday, 2 March 2009
That's It! Naps!
Following the stress of sunday, Daddy and I have formulated a plan that includes the use of a strict routine for Baby E.M. Nap times. 11am - 12pm and then 3pm-4pm except on wednesday/thursday when the second lot is interrupted by the school run for J.R. In which case she can catch up when we get back. But it has to be done. It's a step towards getting her used to seperation, she can't stay up all day like us when it means she becomes miserable and touchy. Because that's when we don't get along.
You Need Eyes In The Back Of Your Head!
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Pulling My Hair Out
"Bake Day" is all well and good, until it's finished. By which time, my kitchen is a mess (baking the creations), my front room floor is a mess (eating the creations) and both kids are screaming over each other for a drink. I've been treated with zero respect today and i'm worn out. Baby E.M is being miserable and J.R is having trouble concentrating on me, or even acknowledging me when i'm talking to her. They wont play nicely together, if left in their room together, within five minutes one will be crying and the other one will be looking guilty.
Meanwhile downstairs there's a pile of washing up in the sink that looks like I haven't touched it in three days when it was all done this morning. The whole place needs hoovering again - mess travels - and the clothes need to be hung out to dry. Whoever came up with the definition of the "stay at home mum" as a lazy, money scrounging, ready-meal eating, couch potato needs a kick in the arse. This is the hardest job i've ever done, and if that's the way they want to define it now, it looks like i'm missing out.
"Bake Day" Sunday
And today it's: Apple and Raspberry Muffins
Miss J.R is having a bit of trouble concentrating today, most of our baking session consisted of me calling her name 2-3 times in a row, to be acknowledged with a "What?" only for her to lose interest in me again while I explain what she needs to do. Oh well, Baby E.M had a good stab at it and the cakes were made in the end regardless...even if most of the batter was eaten out the mixing bowl.
I haven't done any baking or decorating for a good few weeks now (lacking time and funds) so I came up with these this afternoon.
Daisy Trellis Cupcakes. Aren't they pwetty...