They're just trying to see how far they can push you, don't let it wind you up.
J.R misses Daddy being around all the time like when she was a baby and doesn't know how to express it.
And my personal favourite: You need to give them more attention.
Having read so many times, and now of course, from personal experience, i've learnt that no matter how much attention you give the girls, it will never be enough for them. So i'm happy that this is not the reason they behave in this way.
Of course the reasons may vary, but the behaviour remains the same.
They slap eachother, one screeches at the top of her voice which causes the other one to do the same, J.R snatches what Baby E.M is playing with (this I know is a superiority thing.) and J.R is very demanding and will demand one thing after another, while you're still trying to fulfil the first request. And above all, "No" from me means nothing. Absolutely nothing. Even to Baby E.M now. And I do have to repeat myself 3 or 4 times to get some sort of acknowledgment. They remove all the dvd's from the rack, draw on the walls and J.R has now started to break pieces of wood from the skirting board.
Daddy has seen all this occasionally in the past and at weekends etc but now I think it's finally sunk in. I'm not in tears over something minor. It really does get bad.
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