It's exactly 2 weeks until J.R's 3rd birthday.
I can't believe how grown up she is now. You tend to forget about upcoming birthdays because of numerous stressful days and before you know it you're only days away from having spent another year with your beautiful little girl. I love to see her developing her skills, learning and enjoying herself. She's becoming a proper little madam.
Throughout the year, she’s gone through phases where she's been so rude in her replies and attitude towards me.
She’d stomp her feet, walk out as I was trying to give a serious talk, continuously look away, scream in my face, tell me to go away, frown and look at me straight in the eye rebelliously.
There's been times when I was absolutely furious. Lost for words. Completely heart-broken. Embarassed. Helpless...
But I never want to just lose my temper and regret it all afterwards.
It’s been really tough.
In these past 3 years, we've gone through lots of ups and downs together. There were times when I struggled to keep everything under control.
But if I could sit her down and have her understand one thing it'd be this:
Things are not always be easy for Mummy and Daddy, but we will always love you. Not only when you're a good girl, but always. You might be charming and obedient one day, and then disrespectful and rude the next. But we love you just the same. We have to be hard on you sometimes but it's for your own good, we have to teach you right from wrong somehow, and we are trying our best...
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