Tuesday, 6 October 2009

It's Raining It's Pouring!

If you hadn't already guessed from the title, it's raining.
And it has been for the last two days here where we are, pretty much all day. I've never liked the rain, since I was young i've felt like Rain = Dirty. Dunno why, just always have!
So this time i've come up with a solution. Don't get wet.
I know, I know it sounds really obvious but when I say don't get 'wet' I mean AT ALL. Not your hair, or the bottoms of your jeans, nothing. Since i'm short i'm used to the bottoms of my jeans catching puddles and the dirty water soaking me up to my knees. So we are - all three of us - wearing leggings, tucked into our boots, hats and our hoods over the top. (Except for J.R who refused to wear her hat on the way home from school 'cos she said it messes her hair up!)
Mind you, all these cosy clothes didn't stop my girls having fun splashing in puddles...when you're that age you don't seem to mind the rain do you? Bless.