today is the exception. Lucky me. And it's the best type of shopping, the type that doesn't involve food. We are on a mission to find presents - for Baby E.M - coming from other members of the family.
(But today is only possible because Daddy has booked two days off this week, which is really nice of him. He done it to help me out - the school holidays have proven to be quite stressful and I actually have very little sanity left! So he has taken time off to restore some discipline in this madhouse...)
I am shattered though. It's been a REALLY busy, but successful day and we've been everywhere, or at least it feels that way!
I never ever thought i'd turn to my other half and say "You know what? I'm really tired, let's just go home?" When it comes to shopping, I do it properly. Or I don't do it.
Women after all, are naturally immune to things such as tired feet, aching arms due to heavy bags and the constant change of temperature in each store.
Men, not so much.
So having said that, Daddy actually did pretty well, he didn't complain once!
Good stuff. Good day.
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