Everyone I know is now on Facebook.
Well, almost everyone. My family have no interest in it at all. Especially not my Mum. But once in a while she checks up on me and reminds me "Don't put all your personal things on there...you don't know who's reading that...there could be paedophiles on there" And that little speech from her always gets the reply:
"God, Mum, I know what i'm doing. I don't just let anyone and everyone read my profile..."
Thank goodness for privacy settings eh.
My personal philosophy on Facebooking and blogging is that if I couldn't tell it to just anyone then it's not something i'll be writing about. Anyway, i'm a pro.
My other half however, is a complete beginner to this sort of thing.
Always in the past insisting that he's not interested, his work mates signed him up and suggested he add people as friends.
Tonight I just had to help him figure it out since he looked (and sounded) a little overwhelmed by the whole thing.
I've had to go through his 22 'friends' and filter out 8 people who he doesn't even know. He hates long winded tasks, filling out forms, writing about himself etc.
He's taken almost 20 minutes to create a status. I'm worried I will never get my computer back.
What's on your mind?
What a difficult question that can be!
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