We've just got back from Nanny & Grandads, the girls are going Trick or Treating at around 4pm and I wanted to get them all dressed up ready and take some photos. J.R's been looking forward to "Halloween Day" for weeks. E.M made a fuss but it's only a cry for my attention, as usual.
Nanny had lots of activities planned for when they got back - colouring books, mini pumpkin painting and DVD's. There aren't enough hours in the day!
Do feel like i'm missing out a little bit, but I know they'll have a good time and that's the main thing.
Anyway, here they are in their Halloween costumes: 

J.R's costume this year is the most expensive yet, with sparkly tights and lots of other accessories.
But it didn't take much to get E.M sorted - most of the clothes she owns are black anyway - if anything I had to brighten her up a little bit, with pink glitter and SPIDERS!
(And yes, Grandad did give them a handful of goodies in the bottom of their treat bags to 'start them off'. That's just an excuse really isn't it...)
Ooh and check out the scary faces on these cupcakes that J.R decorated this morning:
That's HER drawing. Weird huh?
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