Saturday, 19 September 2009

To My Gorgeous E.M,

Happy 2nd Birthday baby!
I'll still call you that even though you're not really a baby anymore, you're a big girl. J.R is a big girl and now you're my big girl too!
You have made the transition from crawling to walking and running and are now showing interest in using the potty - thank goodness! And even though i'm so proud of you, both of these accomplishments make me a tiny bit sad at just how fast you're really growing up.
This weekend we had your birthday celebration and I made you an In The Night Garden themed cake. You had a wonderful time opening your presents and were excited by each one. And your smile couldn't have been bigger when you saw that cake! "Look, Iggle Piggle!!" you shouted. You couldn't take your eyes off it and were grinning from ear to ear while we sang you Happy Birthday.
Exactly two years ago I was overjoyed when you entered my life and I feel so incredibly blessed to be celebrating your 2nd year in this world.
Love always, Mummy xox