Thursday, 24 September 2009

Baby E.M + Chickenpox: Day 8

This photo was taken tonight - E.M's doing okay, the biggest problem we've had so far is her scratching her face in her sleep - due to the itchiness coming back when she's due another dose of medicine overnight. She's been scratching 'til it bleeds meaning her bedsheets have needed changing every single night.
It's made her face look an even worse mess and to be honest i'm getting a bit worried about scarring. But I keep reminding myself that because she's so young her skin should heal pretty well...
Meanwhile there hasn't been a single new blister appear anywhere else on her body, this is good news. Since when the last blister has burst and crusted over, she'll no longer be infectious and I wont have to worry so much about her being in contact with other children when we go out.