Sunday, 23 August 2009

Raising Respectful Children

Children learn by example, put simply - they copy what they see.
For this reason the main role models in children's lives are usually their parents and guardians, so who better to learn from when it comes to good manners?
If you want to raise thankful kids you have to show that you yourself are thankful. Show and give appreciation but most importantly be consistent.
Children mimic what their parents say and do, so be sure to treat them, your partner, school staff, sales assistants...everyone with the same good manners that you would expect from your children. It may sound old-fashioned but I think you're never too young to start learning manners. It doesn't need to be complicated and up-tight, a child saying "Thank you" is always smiled upon.
Even when Baby E.M was very young and couldn't demonstrate manners verbally, I taught her to say "Please" and "Thank you" in baby signs. She was eager to learn, and though some days she got lazy, consistency was always the key.
Provide a training ground for your children to practice good manners.
At home make sure you're always polite when you ask your child to do something, remember to show appreciation and encourage the use of good manners between siblings.
I've been encouraging Baby E.M now that she can talk well, to ask her sister properly if she would like something from her. Promoting both good manners and the importance of sharing.
Every day i'm seeing improvement in the girls' manners, not just towards me but also towards eachother.
There are times when they think i'm not around, and Baby E.M will ask her sister for something using "Please" on the end of the sentence.
J.R will respond politely also, usually something along the lines of "There you go sweetheart" and always replies to a Thank You with "You're welcome".
It really is rewarding to see such good interaction between the girls. Having good manners will boost their confidence both now and in the future.