Thursday, 23 July 2009

J.R's Potty Training: An Update

Forget the little potty...
Since monday (20th), i've been helping and encouraging J.R to use the "Big Potty" aka the toilet, by lifting her up and holding her there, she still seemed quite worried that she'd fall down the hole! But yesterday I went into Mothercare and bought one of those toilet seat - adaptor things, basically a normal potty-sized seat that fits under the adult toilet seat, allowing the child to sit there unaided. You know what I mean! And wow, it's been a hit with J.R. First of all there's the thrill of actually sitting on the grown ups toilet without my help, then add to that she has her own special toilet wipes (I can do it too with Kandoo!) she's loving every minute of it...and the attention of course. And we've had no accidents yet either!