Sunday, 12 July 2009

Making: A Charlie & Lola picnic!

We love Charlie & Lola on dvd, and one of J.R's fave episodes at the moment is "The most wonderfullest picnic in the whole wide world"
So since today was looking to turn out another rainy sunday, I decided to put together a Charlie & Lola style picnic for the girls! Sausage rolls, sandwiches of ham and shredded cheese, carrots, cheese straws and a few extra goodies...
It kept them occupied for hours (no lie!) and J.R insisited on watching the picnic episode over and over just so she could see that the food she had in front of her was the same :)
It was a brilliant afternoon, and knackered them both out - with little effort!
So, as they used to say on Art Attack:
Try it yourself, a Charlie & Lola picnic.