Only to find you have lots of duplicates of the same pose but none that actually capture the real spirit of your little one?
If you have you'll know how frustrating it can be to just not have the 'perfect' picture. Ok, ok, so i'm not claiming to be a top photographer here, but here's a few tips on taking some really good shots.
I take photos more-or-less everyday and this works for me.
Make sure you're in good light. I know you've probably heard this hundreds of times, but it's true.
Get down to your childs level and see the world from their point of view. This may mean getting down on your knees or even laying front-first on the carpet.
Don't call your child to get him/her to look at the camera. Constantly calling their name just confuses them, remember they don't understand the importance in what you're trying to do!
Take multiple shots, even if they don't seem to be going the way you want, review them later, you'd be surprised how much better photos look when they're blown up on the computer screen.
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