Sunday, 17 May 2009

"Mauk" As In "Milk"

Today Baby E.M asked me for a drink of milk.
And although what she said was "Mauk", I knew exactly what she meant. And it was wonderful. You should've seen her face when she realised I understood what she meant.
According to various sources, at 18months old a toddler should be able to say nouns, names of special people (ie. family members) and a few action words. And on the other hand, be able to understand and carry out simple commands, consisting of 2 tasks. e.g "Go to the kitchen and get your juice."
I'm impressed, Baby E.M seems to be right on target at this point - she's now 20 months old. But I do believe that the more you talk to your baby, properly that is... None of this "coochie coochie coo, gaga boo" nonsense! Then the earlier your baby will start to show signs of understanding and attempt to express themselves vocally too.