It's Day 3 of the Red Bull trials and I have to say "Eugh."
No really. Let me explain.
It's had a positively BAD effect on both my mood and my sleep.
I'm averaging 4 cans a day, the first sign of addiction. Not good. Plus I read in a certain paper that it can cause high blood pressure and palpitations! That's quite scary. Especially when you look at the number of school kids downing them to and from school like cola, thinking they look big. To be honest, it does work, I do feel very awake. But that's part of the problem, i'm fine mostly but then twice or three times a day i've panicked. About something, anything. Whatever it is i'm doing at the time, and I go from nought to angry in like 10 seconds. Generally it lasts about 5-10 minutes max. But it's really strange.
And the sleep? What sleep?
It's been taking me hours to get to sleep, and my mind racing doesn't help. When i've gotten past that I start tossing and turning and can't get comfortable, for ages!
I'm gonna go cold turkey on these evil drinks and see what happens.
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