Saturday, 23 May 2009

Get Busy This Bank Holiday...

You and I both know that bank holiday weather hardly ever turns out great, so here's a few ideas for things to do indoors if the rain does start to fall...
  • Hide & Seek: Don't be afraid to turn the living room into a playground! Remember it's only for an hour or two and the kids love it. Stack cushions and drape sheets to create places to hide.

  • Chase-a-light: Draw the curtains and get your child to chase the light from a torch. Stop moving it once in a while so they think they can catch it. Shine it on various objects in the room and ask them to name what they see.

  • Fun With Paper: Bring out the craft paper, or some old newspaper if you don't have enough. Tear, cut, curl and scrunch paper to your hearts content. My E.D loves this and will happily sit at the table cutting paper with her toddler scissors for hours!

  • Kids In The Kitchen: Children love to help out in the kitchen 'cos it makes them feel involved. Ask them to help you prepare the ingredients for a cake or even something simpler like putting a salad together.

  • Wacky Workout: Great for getting rid of energy! Ask your child to copy your movements as you put your hands on your head, touch the floor, shake your hands, or sweep your arms over your head. Then let her lead you through her own series of "exercises."