If I had to describe her in three words?
Lively, Determined, Exhausting.
As soon as she enters a room she must be the centre of attention.
If that's not possible (e.g there are guests over) she will protest everything until she's sitting on my lap with everyone staring at her, as she throws dirty looks across the room at my guests.
She will only wear skirts or dresses. I have to come up with a pretty good reason to get her to wear her pyjama bottoms!
Before she knew the word for skirt, she used to call it "dancing".
She loves to dance and act out her favourite films.
She is determined. If she's told she can't have something, she will work on getting it. Even if that means climbing up to reach it when you leave the room!
She is completely exhausting 90% of the time.
She wears out my energy and my patience.
She has the ability to make me laugh, scream and cry all in the same day.
And I love her with all my heart.
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