Friday, 3 April 2009

A Day To Ourselves

Could there be anything better than shopping and eating out...without the kids?
Thank god here in the 21st century they realise that just because you're a parent it doesn't mean you're never entitled to time alone with your partner ever again, or not at least until your children have grown up and left home!
No, in fact experts recommend that you have time away from your children at least once a week, and take that time to do whatever you want to do for yourself.
And we've done just that. The girls we're safe and sound at Nanny & Grandad's while we wandered around the town, in and out of clothes shops and the Food court for a late lunch. Laughing and talking about everything and nothing. It was wonderful to spend so much time, uninterrupted and know that we weren't in any kind of rush to get back. And that's what was so great about the whole thing, we don't have to do anything ott special or exciting (or expensive!) But it was just me and him, not being Mummy and Daddy, but just being ourselves.