Baby E.M at 19 months old has 11 teeth.
These seemed to come through quite quickly but then (for a long time) there was nothing.
Then in the last week I noticed she's been showing the usual signs of teething again, red cheeks, dribbling, chewing her fingers... so I had a check and voila!
She's very slowly cutting the lower lateral incisor on the right.
Thinking i'd do a bit of homework on the subject, I found this online.
The "Eruption Sequence" of Baby Teeth:

Right now Baby E.M has 4/4 upper and lower central incisors, 4/4 upper and lower first molars and 3/4 lateral incisors.
So as you can see, she's developing pretty much on time! Bearing in mind the table states average times, in reality it can vary 6 months either way, but it's good to know everything's in order so far :)
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