Tuesday, 24 February 2009

He really is The B.F.G

Nanny and Grandad (my boyfriend's side) have come to visit.

Nanny came dancing in singing "We're going out for lunch!" That was news to me...
J.R dove, (no seriously) dove behind the sofa when she saw Grandad. She burst into tears and set Baby E.M off too who came waddling over to me, arms outstretched. *sigh* Now J.R hasn't seen Grandad for quite a long time now, i'm pretty sure it was in september actually, and he's a great tall bloke with a very deep voice. I swear every time he talks she thinks he's telling her off! We got our coats on - eventually - and squeezed into the BMW... Baby E.M is quiet and although she wont say a word, is taking it all in. J.R on the other hand, is trying to say things to Nanny, quietly so as not to spark a response from Grandad, whilst crossing her arms over her face because obviously this makes her invisible. Now everytime Grandad talks to her, or so much as looks at her she breaks into a cry. Is it the sound of his voice, or the fact that he towers over her at a whopping 6ft something? I'm not quite sure, but one thing's for certain...it's going to be a long day!