Sunday 18 October 2009

My Stressful Sunday: Pt.1

It hasn't been an easy week this week, and today is no exception. So many things have gone wrong for me today, and i'm just so miffed i'm not even gonna begin to list them.

J.R has been on and off an emotional rollercoaster all week, (one minute she's stubborn and demanding and the next she's crying for my help) but maybe because she's ill? And my poor little E.M, having just fully recovered from Chickenpox has now picked up her sisters' cough. And she's losing her voice LOL. I know I shouldn't laugh, but she's so cute. Her voice is small and mousey as it is, but now that she's losing it, it's gone all squeaky and sometimes almost disappears altogether. She's just drifting off to sleep next to me as I write this, my poor little mite.
And it's all gone quiet here at number 64.