Saturday 13 February 2010

We're Back!

Here's what's been going on over the last month...


Things have been moving fast round here making 2010 quite a good year for us so far, let me explain what I mean: I made a little over £60 in January simply selling the girls old baby things - toys, clothes etc. And these were all things I struggled to sell last year when I first came up with the idea. I'd listed most things twice, on both eBay and local parenting websites, but with no luck until now!
And speaking of progress: J.R is officially in a booster seat. No more BABY CAR SEAT... "Princess seat" now lol
And E.M is no longer using the buggy, she walks everywhere. I started trying to phase out the buggy last year (a little unsuccessfully I might add) it's just too easy to say "I need to bring the buggy 'cos I have a lot of shopping to do!" But things are different now. My E.M has made every journey without a buggy for the best part of four weeks now, and I intend to keep it that way!


I was writing this when I suddenly realised, it's nearly our blog's 1st birthday!
How time flies eh? I started up The Girls At Number 64 in mid February 2009 in the style of an online diary - but it's changed since then. The things I write about, my general blogging style and even the blog design has changed several times in the last year! All for the better I hope, but us mum bloggers are always learning aren't we. Thank you to our readers who stuck with us all this time, it means a lot, I love being able to share with you the exciting and always surprising journey that is, parenting!