Wednesday 23 December 2009

Making: Easy Festive Wreath

A really easy-to-make festive wreath. Which as E.M demonstrates, is so easy to make it can even be made by a 2 year old.
You will need: 1 paper plate, some white paper, green paint, PVA glue, red tissue paper and scissors.
Draw some leaves on the white paper, paint them green and leave them to dry.

Cut the centre from a paper plate - this forms the base of your wreath shape. (Of course the adult has to do this.)
When the 'leaves' are completely dry, cut them out and glue them to the paper plate base.
Tear up the red tissue paper and scrunch into little balls for berries.
Glue the 'berries' to the wreath. Messy this bit.
And there you have it - Easy Festive Wreath! My E.M is so proud of hers...i've put it on the wall and she returns to admire it every once in a while :)