Saturday 28 November 2009


My apologies for the late posts, we are having MAJOR trouble with our cable modem box and have only had internet access at certain points throughout the day and for limited periods!
It really has been a complete nightmare, and our cable TV has followed suit over the last couple of days. Daddy got so bored without TV that he started watching the children's DVDs. I've been going crazy having to faff with the cable modem every single day.
To say i'm 'fed up' with it all would be a huge understatement.
And the so-called Customer Support department have been no help. Having made a total of 7 calls to them, 3 of my calls were still unanswered after over 30 minutes of waiting on hold each time. It's so aggravating, but luckily a technician came today and replaced the cable box with a brand new one - well, it's working so far...