Saturday 31 October 2009

Meh, I Fancied A Night In Anyway...

So Daddy and I had planned to head into town tonight for mojitos and a couple of movies. A proper night out for the grown-ups - at last! Michael Jackson's This Is It and Saw VI is what we'd decided on. (For some reason, new Saw movies are usually first released in cinema's on Halloween. Adds to the thrill I suppose LOL.) Daddy and I have always preferred to go for the late night showings of movies at the cinema. Don't know why, we just always have. And the last showings at our cinema are usually at around 10.30pm. So we got there, usual time...
But it was well and truly packed! Swarming with married couples and teenagers dressed as vampires with fake blood dripping from the corners of their mouths and dead cheerleaders in stripey knee high socks - you know the sort.
There must have been hundreds of people. And all remaining showings of Saw VI were completely booked. We should've known this would happen. After all it is halloween, but for us that's just a coincidence. Now this was our first saturday night out in ages so we decided to fight our way through the crowd in an attempt to salvage our movie date.
Squinting at the screens above the box office, I soon realised that unless it was seriously boring - it was fully booked. And it was my idea to head home. So here we are. I'm on here writing this, Daddy is in the kitchen rustling up something to eat and in a minute i'll go and choose a DVD for us to watch.
Oh well, you win some - you lose some!